Refreshment anyone?
Master James Taverner prefers to leave certain parts of his past a mystery. He has some learning and can read a little Latin but can't write. He has not lost all his skill as an Archer and has served as a Man-at-Arms although his armour is clearly second hand and age has slowed him down.
He has served in France and Portugal with Free Companies during which he acquired, along with the armour, a wife, some money and a valuable chalice.
He also deals in animal skins and anything that will turn a quick profit, no questions asked!
His travels have allowed him to visit various shrines where he has sought to protect his soul from hell fire and he has the badges to prove it.
These days he seems content to run the Tavern Tent, keeping the Company refreshed with ale, cider and wine - these are provided by who ever hires the Company. To keep the camp occupied he provides games that anyone can try, but woe betide any who cause trouble in his tavern for then the hardened routier appears. But if he is relaxed then enjoy a game and maybe a story telling too.